Sunday, January 20, 2013

Arctic Animals

Despite having a short week, we had a lot of chilly fun here at LAP!  We started the week with a science experiment that taught the kids about polar animals and how they stay warm.  First we got a bowl full of icy cold water, each kid took turns feeling the water. 
Then we sandwiched a tub of Crisco (blubber) in between 2 Ziploc baggies and felt the water again.  This time we had a layer of blubber in between our hand and the icy cold water, and much to our surprise our hand wasn't even cold!  Some even thought it was warmer inside the baggie than in the classroom.
After our science experiment we talked about all the polar animals we knew that had blubber, and we made an Arctic picture of some of our favorites, a polar bear and a walrus!
I think they turned out absolutely adorable!
Then we did some arctic addition with penguins and fish!  The kids got to choose how many fish and penguins they wanted to add to the scene.  Then they wrote their addition sentence.
There were arctic animals everywhere!  There were at the train table!
They were in the sensory tub.  The kids had a blast collecting penguins and counting them out for the correct iceberg!
It was another great week with an awesome group of kids! 

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