Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dress Up

Thank you Mrs. LaDonna for all the new dress up clothes!!!!!   We love them!


This week we had A LOT of fun with bugs!

We used the theme of "bugs" to review the numbers 2, 3, and 6.   We counted out 2 antennae and 6 legs, then we put them on an egg carton to make our very own bug.  The kids worked real hard to push their pipe cleaners into the egg carton, and they were very proud of the bugs they created!

The kids also glued bugs on a green piece of paper.  We then practiced our one-to-one correspondence while we counted how many bugs they glued.  It was a very fun project.  The kids always LOVE it when we get the glue out.

And finally we read the book The Best Bug Parade.  It was a great book that talked about the concept of size (big, small, long, and short).  And we sung a song by Dr. Jean called the Insect Chant.  It was a fun song that reviewed all the bug body parts. 

It was another great day with a great group of kids!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oceans Continued

This week we were very busy finishing up our theme of oceans and celebrating TWO birthdays!  Happy birthday girls!

The kids worked really hard on a number of different skills to make their hand print oceans for you.  They worked on their cutting and tracing skills, the number 8, while we talked about the octopus, and we reviewed the number 3 when the kids added 3 pieces of coral to their ocean scene.  As you can see they turned out AWESOME!

We also talked about circles and triangles.  Then the kids worked on their tracing skills by tracing both a circle and a triangle to make a fish swimming in the ocean.  The kids are doing a GREAT job tracing, it really is a difficult skill and it takes A LOT of fine motor control for the kids to master this skill. 


We also had some fun with tape while we made a jellyfish!  The kids did a great job cutting the streamers and taping them on all by themselves.  The kids are becoming very independent and doing most of the crafts all themselves.  It is truly amazing how far they have come in just a few short months.  

And of course the kids love free play.  This week we had the art easel open to make an octopus, blue rice with sea creatures, and puzzles open.  The kids do such a great job playing together and sharing, I am so very proud of them.  What a GREAT group of kids.  I am truly blessed.

Have a great Spring Break and I will see you all in 2 weeks.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This week we had a lot of fun with the theme of oceans.  We talked a lot about what lives in the oceans, read a GREAT book describing some ocean animals, and then we were able to explore some shells, coral, and a starfish in the blue rice table! 

It was a lot of fun digging into the rice and finding what treasures might await us in the "sea" of blue rice!!!

We also learned about the letter "T", the sound it makes, and practiced writing the letter T on a turtle.  They worked really hard both tracing the letter T and cutting out the turtle shell to make these adorable little turtles. 

The kids continued to put forth their best effort while they worked on their tracing skills.  The kids had to trace a curved line to make the waves in the ocean, and then they had to trace the word fish.  I was very impressed with the work they did, they did a great job!!!

We also began the first part of our hand print ocean, that we will be finishing next week!  Today we made the octopus, next week we will make a fish and finish the ocean scene!  You will have to read next week to see the final product, but here is your sneak peek. 

Have a great week, and I will see you next week!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Zoo Animals

This week we had a lot of fun with zoo animals!  We had a whole zoo set up in the room and the kids gave their fine motor skills a workout while making cages for 3 zoo animals.

We also had a lot of fun practicing our cutting skills while making a lion mask.  These mask turned out pretty scary!

The kids also had so much fun with paint.  They got to use bingo dotters to make a snake, and they even got to explore water color at the paint easel!

We continue to review our colors with a favorite song "Color Farm."  Thank you so much Mrs. Renee and Mrs. LaDonna for doing such a great job.  The kids had so much fun today.

And, of course we went outside to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather.  It was fun getting outside and getting some fresh air.

It was another great day with a great group of kids!  Have a great week next week, and I will see you in 2 weeks.