Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving at LAP!  We started our week learning about what it means to be thankful and making cards for our moms and dads.

We practiced our counting by putting the correct amount of "feathers" on our turkeys.

We read books and colored pictures about Pilgrims and Native Americans.

After we learned all about Thanksgiving, we had a Thanksgiving of our very own.  We reenacted the 1st Thanksgiving with Mrs. Jennifer's class.  We were dressed up as pilgrims and Mrs. Jennifer's class invited us over for a Thanksgiving day "turkey" snack, that we made with our very own hands!  It was a lot of fun and the kids did a GREAT job making their turkeys!

We are thankful for all of our good friends here at LAP!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lots and Lots of Leaves

This week we had a lot of fun with leaves.  We learned that leaves come in all shapes and sizes.  We had a ton of different types of leaves in the room and we practiced sorting them by shape

and by color.

We also worked on the letter "Ll".  The kids learned it's sound, how to write it, and even discovered that leaf starts with L!  Then they glued 3 leaves on the letter L.

We also had fun working on our colors!  We reviewed the colors red, yellow, and orange.  Then we introduced a new color GREEN!  The kids then used all these fall colors to make some beautiful leaves.

Our BIG project of the week was our 1, 2, 3 books.  The kids worked on these books both days.  First they colored all the pictures in the book.

Then they traced the numbers 1, 2, 3,

Cut out the pictures,

Then, they had to glue it all back together.

It was a BIG project, that worked on a ton of skills, and was ooh so much fun!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

More Pumpkin Fun!!

This week we had some more fun investigating pumpkins.  We were able to use our new kid safe tweezers to get a closer look at some of the seeds and pulp.

We also used the tweezers to try to pick up seeds and collect them in little cups.  This was a great exercise to help us with our fine motor skills!

After we were done with our investigation, we made books to show what we had learned.

We also talked about the number 3 and the letter P.  The kids loved trying to makes these letters and numbers on the chalkboard!

And because of all you, and the money we made at the Trike-a-thon, the kids had a ton of new toys to play with!  Thank you so much for all your donations, just look at all the fun it brought to our classroom.

Another special thanks goes out to our November Playdough Mom.  The kids had so much fun digging into the new playdough and making all sorts of pumpkin goodies.

It was a rocking good time at LAP!