Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dental Health

This week was a super fun week full of science experiments and lots of fine motor practice flossing, brushing, and playing with play-doh Drill and Fill dentist station! 

We saw first hand how soda and coffee stains you teeth by placing 2 eggs in a cup of soda and a cup of coffee for 1 whole day.   We made predictions which egg would be stained more and discovered that the egg on the bottom of the coffee cup was as stained as the egg on the top in the soda cup!

We also talked about how you can protect your teeth and keep them bright and white.  We discussed the importance of brushing your teeth and the kids practiced their skill of brushing by trying to clean our stained eggs with real toothpaste and tooth brushes. 

We also talked about how sugar bugs like to hide in between your teeth and how you need to floss to get rid of the sugar bugs your tooth brush can't reach.  Then the kids practiced flossing using a block, play-doh, and a string.

We had Dr. Jenkins come talk to us about Dental Health.  He was GREAT with the kids, and they learned so much.  After Dr. Jenkins went back to work, the kids loved to pretend to be a dentist at the Paly-doh Drill and Fill center!

We started new morning centers this week.

We also started Student of the Day this week.  Every child will get a turn being Student of the Day.  We chant their name, draw a picture of them, and make them a book.  It is a very special treat to be student of the day, and the book ends up being something they absolutely cherish!

The kids are getting so big, they are really looking like Kindergarten kids!  See ya next week!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We had an awesome week learning all about some of our past presidents and what a president does.  We started the week learning about our 1st president, George Washington.  We learned that he was a soldier, and was nicknamed the father of our country.  The kids then made a hat that George Washington would have wore in battle.

We also talked about the fact that since the United States was a new country they had to make a flag.  We looked at pictures of how the American Flag changed over time and discussed how the flag has 13 stripes for the original 13 colonies and 50 stars for the 50 states, and we learned the Pledge of Allegiance.

On Tuesday we learned about another famous president, Abraham Lincoln.  We learned that he was president during the Civil War and he fought for equality for all people.  We also learned that he lived in a log cabin and wore a big tall black hat that he kept his speeches in.  The kids then got to make their very own log cabins and Abraham Lincoln masks.

On Wednesday we discussed what a president does and the kids wrote what they would do if they were president, designed their very own dollars,

and made campaign posters to get kids to vote for them for president.  They even got to hang them around the room!  They loved decorating them and it was a great way to have them practice writing their full name!

We are continuing to work on whole group seat work to get the kiddos ready for Kindergarten.  This week the kids followed step-by-step directions to draw Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.  The kids did an awesome job with this, and their drawings all turned out so unique!  I just loved them!

They are getting so big and so smart!  Mrs. Jen is so proud of them!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

We had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day and talking about friendship and love this week.  We started the week learning how to sign "I love you" and making a special gift for our parents.  The kids loved painting, gluing, and using a sharpie marker to make their very special Valentine frames!

We also made a card that had our hand prints in the shape of a heart (I know as a mom I cherish anything with their hand prints or feet prints on it, and this is one of my favorites).

We learned about symmetry when we made paper hearts to decorate the windows!

We love to practice our writing on the chalkboard.  This guy was so proud of his new word this week.
The kids thought it was so cool rolling 2 dice and stamping out the total number, and it was a fun way to practice addition.
To get ready for the big party, the kids decorated their very own mailboxes.  They turned out great and were very festive.

The party was a HUGE success thanks to Mrs. Jaime, Mrs. Amy,  and all of the parents who were able to attend and help out.  The kids had fun graphing their candy hearts.

Playing a very fun game that test their fine motor skills called "Pass the Heart"

And "Heart Lava" had them thinking one step ahead!  They had to plan out what they were going to do to make it across the lava pit without touching the "lava"!
By the end of the day, the kids left with their mailboxes full of Valentines,

their bellies full of sugar, and their hearts full of love.  Thank you again for all that you do.  I truly do have the BEST job in the whole world!  I am so blessed.