Friday, February 24, 2012

Community Helpers

We had an awesome week exploring our community and pretending to be community helpers in our very own classroom!  We had a vet clinic set up, complete with all the tools they would ever need AND a waiting room!  Soo much fun!!!

We had a dentist office, where the kids flossed "food" out of teeth, scrubbed off the sugar bugs, and we even had a play-doh dentist set that we could make molds of teeth, use tools to pull teeth, and much much more!

We had the restaurant up a going,

A beauty shop,

A construction zone,

And our train table was converted into a town complete with all sorts of helpers!

We were so blessed to have Dr. Nolan come to our class and talked to us about our eyes and all the things we can do to keep them healthy!

We even got to see 3 horses get out of their trailer and go to the vet.  Their owner was so nice to take time out of his day to talk to the kids about horses, how to keep them healthy, and how they go to the vet once a year to get their shots!

The kids had so much fun playing this week, we had to make some crafts for them to bring home so they could continue the fun there!

We made doctor kits that required them to trace their name and use those tiny finger muscles to open up a band-aid and stick it on their kit!

We also made a toothbrush that required the kids to again trace their name and practice their cutting skills to make the bristles! 

And we really had to scrub to make these yellow teeth white!

It was another great week with an awesome group of kids!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012


P is for president!  This week we talked about presidents.  We discussed what a president does,  we learned that  President Obama is our president now, how we vote for the person we think would do the best job, and we even talked about some of our more famous presidents!

The kids practiced writing the letter Pp 3x on their president sheet, and then they did coin rubbings to discover pictures of presidents!
It was MAGIC!!!

We also talked about how Abraham Lincoln lived in a log cabin.  The kids LOVED making a log cabin of their very own!

We had many different centers set up around the room to build up their fine motor strength.  The kids loved hammering golf tees into Styrofoam!

Making shapes out of play dough and craft sticks!

And making bracelets from pipe-cleaners and straw bits!

But my favorite activity of the week was sitting down and talking to the kids about what they would do if they were president.  Here are a list of some of the great things they would do:

buy a car
ride in a plane
sell things to grandma and grandpa
have a party
live in a big house
do art

The possibilities were endless!!!  Here they are working hard on their president sheets.  They did an awesome job drawing their face ( I kept them for their portfolio, it was definitely a keeper)!

Have a wonderful Presidents Day with your future presidents!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Love was in the air this week as we got ready for Valentine's Day.  We worked really hard to get our special Valentine's Day present finished for all of you. 

(I hope you love them as much as I do!  They were so much fun to make.)

We painted hearts,

made "love" collages,

and decorated our Valentine's Day Bag. 

Then we got ready for the party by making cookies

and decorating the room!

Our Valentine's Party was a HUGE success!  We ate so many goodies!

We sorted and ate candy hearts,

read Valentine books,

handed out Valentine's to our friends,

gave our Mom's their presents,

and played with friends!

It was really a great time!  Thank you to all who made it and helped out.  The kids had so much fun, they didn't want it to end!

Happy Valentine's Day!