Monday, May 20, 2013


Congratulations graduates!  I am so proud of each and every one of you, and I know you will all do great in Kindergarten next year.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013


We have butterflies!!!!!!

Wednesday, we had the most awesome thing happen.  We came into school and one of our butterflies had came out of their chrysalis.  Then when the kids were watching the butterfly dry his wings, another butterfly came out!  5-6 kids actually saw it happen!   We had 3 butterflies by the end of the day!  Our room was full of excitement.  Check out these faces.

This project was so cool.  The kids learned first hand, how the caterpillars grow and grow, then hang like a "J" to form their chrysalis.  They saw the chrysalis shake many times while the butterfly was in there working away, and finally they got to see how the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis all scrunched up and wet, slowly stretches out his wings and then begins to flap them to dry them.

The butterflies also inspired a lot of writing.  Here is our morning message (it shows invented spelling at its finest, notice our sight words are all spelled correctly, while all the other words we tried to here all the sounds). 
I can't wait to let them go and see them fly away.  They say these butterflies have been known to land on people before they fly away and can be seen in the area they were let go for up to 2 weeks!