Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We had the BEST week learning about pets!  Our dramatic play area turned into a vet clinic, and the kids had a blast "playing" in the clinic. 

 It was a great center that had the kids writing A LOT and loving it!  The kids filled out paperwork on their pets, wrote prescriptions, and even signed in when it was their turn to be the vet!

It was so awesome watching them interact and listening to the conversations they had.  I was asked to spell many words and it really seemed to perk their interest in writing!

When the kids weren't busy "working" in the vet clinic, the kids were busy learning how to follow step by step directions to help them draw a cat and a dog.

We also worked really hard on patterns this week, we made patterns with motions, painted patterns using dog bones, and even glued patterns with goldfish (and of course enjoyed a few for a job well done).

We also worked on counting and one-to-one correspondence while we fed the doggies some bones!

The kids are continuing to do an awesome job in morning centers!  Check out these little smarties working so hard.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We had an awesome week learning all about our friends here at school.  We had our room set up to do many things with our new friends.  We had buddy reading,

Buddy Painting,

Big HUGE Floor Puzzles,

And they worked together to trace each others hands, color, and cut out hand prints to decorate our class friendship poem.


In addition to learning about our new friends at school, we worked on our shapes while making some beautiful work to hang up in the classroom.  The kids loved sponge painting all the different shapes, and they turned out GREAT!

We continued to work on our names by decorating them with paper squares.

And we worked real hard on our new letter Ff!

The highlight of the week was the new sticky blocks in the sensory tub!
And the 3 birthdays we got to celebrate this week!  Happy Birthday Riley, Olivia, and Paxton.  Thank you for all the yummy treats!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We had a wonderful week at LAP learning about our friends and their families.  It started off with an awesome Grandparent Celebration!  It was so fun to see the kid's faces light up when they saw their special visitors, and they loved showing off their room to their grandparents. 

We worked a lot with our names this week.  We bingo dotted our names,

We made rainbow names,
And we practiced writing our names many different ways!

We also started our morning centers.  Everyday when your child comes into class, he/she has a center that he/she has to complete while we wait for everyone to arrive at school.  These centers cover many different skills.  We have some math centers, writing centers, letter recognition centers, and fine motor centers.  Every child will do every center over the next 17 days, then we will get new centers.  The kids did a great job at their centers, we were so impressed with their efforts and abilities.  Check out all these little smarties!