Sunday, March 10, 2013


We had an awesome last week in our little school!  We began the week by finishing up our eggshell and vinegar experiment.  We discovered that after a week of sitting in vinegar (citric acid) the eggshell (our teeth's enamel) was completely gone!  The egg was squishy.

You could see through it when you held it up to the light,

and all that was left was the membrane, which felt like a wet balloon. 

It was a very cool experiment that taught the kids why it is so important to brush their teeth.

After we finished up our experiment from last week, we began our study on dinosaurs.  We talked about how they are not living today and how archaeologist learn about them by studying bones and fossils.  The kids then made some dinosaur skeletons

and fossils of their own.
We talked about how volcanoes were very active during the time of the dinosaur and the kids made volcanoes of their own using baking soda and colored vinegar.

We used paint to make dinosaur tracks

and a dinosaur picture.
We measured bones with unifix cubes,

and we had real bones, dinosaurs, magnifying glasses, and "dirt" in the sensory tub!

It was an awesome week with an awesome group of kids.  I can't wait until tomorrow when they get to learn about Spring in our new building!

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